Monday, January 30, 2023

Welcome to The Very Hungry

 Hi we're Zoey, (Kid) Katie, (Mom) Marc (Dad) and Lucy (Thinks she's a kid but she's the dog.) This blog is how we travel around the world were my mom and dad find the best overall food, sleeping areas and more. Lucy and I find places kids don't usually want to go. But it's our job to find cool things there kids will like. We hope you come back in June when we go to Venice and Florence in Italy. (Except Lucy but she will help us until then.) 

Thank you,

The Very Hungry (Don't worry. We're not caterpillars..) 

Katie, Marc, Zoey and Lucy.

Welcome to The Very Hungry

 Hi we're Zoey, (Kid) Katie, (Mom) Marc (Dad) and Lucy (Thinks she's a kid but she's the dog.) This blog is how we travel around...